Atlas Tripod is a housewares project that I completed in my third year of study. I love spending time outdoors and photography. I combined both of those interests to create a portable tripod that is perfect for hiking and biking. 

Atlas Tripod is a housewares project that I completed in my third year of study. I love spending time outdoors and photography. I combined both of those interests to create a portable tripod that is perfect for hiking and biking. 

ARBOR X8 is a reverse engineering project for the chainsaw. I loved being able to dive head-first into the extensive design research phases of this project, and learning from the people I interviewed. 

ARBOR X8 is a reverse engineering project for the chainsaw. I loved being able to dive head-first into the extensive design research phases of this project, and learning from the people I interviewed. 

NEO is an infant wrap used in the Neonatal Intencisve Care Unit. This wrap is a way for fragile infants to be held by their parents while real time data of their health is recorded. It is a safe way for parents to bond with thier infants after birth.

NEO is an infant wrap used in the Neonatal Intencisve Care Unit. This wrap is a way for fragile infants to be held by their parents while real time data of their health is recorded. It is a safe way for parents to bond with thier infants after birth.